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Category: Commentary

Mature soldier is military doctor giving COVID 19 vaccine injections Commentary

Air Force Reserve Officer Claims She was Fired For Seeking Religious Exemption to COVID Vaccine

An Air Force Reserve officer, Lt. Col. Brandi King filed a discrimination complaint against...

Doctor Commentary

Editor of Prestigious Medical Journal Forced Out Because Staffer Questioned Systemic Racism

Imagine being fired because of something somebody else said. Dr. Howard Bauchner, then editor-in-chief...

April Powers Commentary

Jewish Woman Forced Out of Writers Group for Failing to Mention Islamophobia

A black Jewish woman who served as inclusion officer at the world’s leading children’s...

Oregon State Capital Building Commentary

COVID-19 Business Relief Funds Withheld from Latina Businesswoman in Oregon

A Latina businesswoman in Oregon, Maria Garcia filed a lawsuit alleging the Oregon Legislature...

mixed race parents helping children in homework at home picture id1270069171 Commentary

Survey: Majority Of Moms And Dads Prefer Flexible Work

Many moms and dads discovered the joys of spending more time with their children,…

save womens sports female athletes mini documentary cynthia monteleone Commentary

Biden Administration’s New Title IX Guidance Solidifies Threat To Girls’ Sports

The Department of Education on Wednesday took steps to legally redefine “sex” to include...

selina soule alanna smith female athletes womens sports Commentary

Connecticut Lawsuit To Protect Girls And Women’s Sports Hits Roadblock

A federal judge has dismissed the lawsuit filed by Selina Soule and three other...

video (9) Commentary

President Biden’s (Destroy) American Jobs Plan

President Biden, the so-called “moderate” president of the United States, rolled out a $2…

hands of prisoner in jail background picture id936426852 Commentary

Report: Female Prisoner Allegedly Raped By Male Identifying as Female

A male inmate who identifies as female was transferred to the women’s prison and...

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