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Month: May 2023

Title IX Julie Colin Blog Post Commentary

Why One Former Title IX Litigator Is Sounding the Alarm Against Biden’s Proposed Amendments

The Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX through the administrative rule-making process is…

Screenshot 2024 07 16 at 10.12.52 AM Profile

Single Mom Skipping Meals To Afford Medical Bill Hospital Didn’t Disclose

Anna Anthony, a single mom, is skipping meals to pay for her medical bills.…


Rachel Schuoler

I could not imagine a male playing softball–it would literally be deadly with how…

Screenshot 2024 07 16 at 2.35.58 PM Documentary Profile

Soren’s Story | How One Detransitioner Found Peace Outside of Medicalization

After undergoing a botched double mastectomy at age 19, Soren’s traumatic medical complications opened…

target store parking lot Op-Ed

Companies Like Target Are Teaching Kids To Hate And Brutalize Their Bodies

Target’s latest line is promoting an ideology that actively leads children to medicalize the…

Screenshot 2024 07 16 at 3.30.47 PM Profile

How Arizona’s ESA Program Cultivated A Multi-Generational Homeschooling Household

After Sharon Canaday began homeschooling her youngest daughter, Viola, using ESA funds, her educational…

Screenshot 2023 05 11 at 7.49.51 AM Commentary

Dee Snider, Lead Singer of Twisted Sister, Canceled After Expressing Concern With Gender Transitions for Children

Twisted Sister, best known for rock anthems like “We’re Not Going to Take It”...

Screenshot 2023 05 08 at 7.19.35 PM Commentary

TikTok Bans Acton Institute Account After They Share Documentary Exposing Human Rights Violations in Hong Kong

Earlier this week, TikTok suspended the account of the Acton Institute, a public policy...


Lori H.

The NCAA needs to realize that they are violating all that women fought for…

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