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Month: December 2022


Brian Oneto

To have biological men “compete” with biological women and believe it is a fair…


Sue Roycroft

As a member of the generation that fought for title lX and a former…

Jennifer Sey Commentary

​​Concerned Mother Fired From Levi’s for Doubting School Closures and Mask Mandates

Jennifer Sey was a top contender to be the next CEO of Levi Strauss...

Kirk Cameron Commentary

Libraries Nationwide Cancel Kirk Cameron’s Latest Book Due to His Conservative Views

A member of the Cameron family has once again been targeted for their personal...


Karen Young

I teach biology and chemistry at the high school level. The science of anatomy…

Miami,,Fl/usa, ,April,13,,2017:,Us,Hud,Secretary,Dr. Commentary

Detroit Board of Education Erases Ben Carson From a Local School

Once upon a time, a boy from Detroit was born into poverty. His mother...

Moreland scaled Commentary

Pennsylvania school board member says she cannot vote for a ‘cis white male’ candidate

School boards exist to set the vision and goals for the public schools in...

pexels lara jameson 8899233 scaled Commentary

Former big law equity partner ousted for expressing her views on Dobbs ruling

After a pristine law career spanning 44 years, Robin Keller found herself with terminated...

Stan Commentary

Board-Certified Specialist and Healthcare Expert Targeted by Social-Justice Mob

A leader in the healthcare industry — who serves as chairman of a nonprofit...

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