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Month: April 2022


Mandy Moon

I would have never been able to compete ... if up against a top…


Cathleen Peloquin

It’s an unfair advantage once a boy goes [through] puberty.


Jennifer Jones

I urge all parents and girls to get involved now


Hope Francis

Being a female athlete means that I can display my strength as a woman

Ilya Shapiro Commentary

Georgetown Suspends Professor Who Questioned Biden’s Racial Preference for SCOTUS Pick

A newly hired lecturer at Georgetown Law, Ilya Shaprio was put on leave after...

Cropped image of nurse holding green book on white background Commentary

Nursing Student Expelled For Essay Based on True Life Case Deemed ‘Insensitive’

A nursing student at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, Kaylyn Willis was expelled after...

Mature soldier is military doctor giving COVID 19 vaccine injections Commentary

Air Force Reserve Officer Claims She was Fired For Seeking Religious Exemption to COVID Vaccine

An Air Force Reserve officer, Lt. Col. Brandi King filed a discrimination complaint against...

Doctor Commentary

Editor of Prestigious Medical Journal Forced Out Because Staffer Questioned Systemic Racism

Imagine being fired because of something somebody else said. Dr. Howard Bauchner, then editor-in-chief...

April Powers Commentary

Jewish Woman Forced Out of Writers Group for Failing to Mention Islamophobia

A black Jewish woman who served as inclusion officer at the world’s leading children’s...

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