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Month: November 2021

kids first Stories

Karen Barela

We [found] a charter school that was mostly computer-based.


Anne Staight

I fully support any alternative parent choices for education.

kids first Stories

Denise Deschene

Parents need school choice with the money following the student!


Rita Ledoux

I taught for 30 years in public school and then two years in a…

kids first Stories

Deborah Gowen

I took two of my sons out of public school.

kids first Stories

Kimberly Williams

It was no contest that she’s where she needs to be.

kids first Stories

Doreen Alderman

We should not be paying taxes for schools if there is no school choice.

kids first Stories

Deborah Plance

It should be the choice of the parent as to where [children] attend schools

kids first Stories

Jacqueline White

I will continue to fight for the best education children deserve.

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