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Month: November 2021

kids first Stories

Lenora Greene

We took our kids out of public schools because of the partisan politics....

kids first Stories

Joanne Baker

I do have school choice in the state of Ohio.

kids first Stories

Susan Davis

All four of my grandchildren have moved out of public schools.

kids first Stories

Rebekah Montague

Our tax dollars are spent to prop up a public education system that is…

kids first Stories

Marilyn Quigley

It is very wrong to require school taxes of people who pay for private…

kids first Stories

Jill McDaniel

School choice is a necessity.

kids first Stories

Dee Finley

Parents should have the choice of where they want to send their children to…

kids first Stories

Sharon Metro

We NEED school choice!

kids first Stories

Vincent Ardizzone

I found the system continues to fail children in underserved communities.

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