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Month: July 2021


Clare McDonagh

It breaks my heart to see the opportunities I had being stripped away.


Bobbi Hoene

Equality means just that - equal rights and equal opportunities regardless of ... sex.


Beth Lofgren

Women are not men with lowered testosterone.

kids first Stories

Erica Wright

If government schools get money, it should follow the child.


Rosemary Schulz

Parents SHOULD have choice. We certainly pay enough taxes to have a good educational…

kids first Stories

Allen Godin

The money needs to stay with the parent(s) or follow the student to whatever…


Lisa Chin

We choose private school because we wanted a school that aligned with our religious…

kids first Stories

She Barsanti

Parents should have control of the money spent on education for their child[ren].

kids first Stories

Brenda Acosta

Our children need school to be a place to grow intellectually, no matter what…

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